Welcome to bulletin two
Hello, and welcome to this thing. This thing is where you get to read thoughts on politics and policy by a dude called Meghnad. Meghnad has previously worked in Parliament as a speech-writer, legislative researcher and then went on to embrace the chaos of the Indian news ecosystem.
He also thinks that referring to himself in third person might be a cool thing to do.
1. Why you should read this?
It’s a just another take on politics in the giant country called India. But hopefully this one will be more real and unfiltered than the rest because the author, Meghnad, is known for such shit.
2. What kind of people should read this?
Largely, curious people who want to know what is happening around them and also have the ability to not take too many things too seriously. Because if you take things written in this newsletter too seriously, you will end up blaming the author, Meghnad, who continues to refer to himself in third person. That won’t be advisable, so don’t.
3. Should you pay money for this?
To put it bluntly, yes. Because that would be an incentive for the author to keep writing and entertaining you, feeding your brain with thoughts that it wants to be fed with. This newsletter is very REAL ok. Your brain might trip on it and drugs are valuable. So yes, pay.
4. What does the author look like?
The author of this newsletter, Meghnad.
ok he sort of looks like this. Kinda.
5. Thank you for doing this
Very kind of you to say that. Let’s hope this lasts and you regularly keep getting things to read in your inbox.